+502 3866-2713 Atención de 7:00 am a 4:00 pm info@misionelfaro.org

The girls basketball team from Evangel University, located in Springfield, Missouri, traveled down to El Faro this past week. This was the second ministry trip that the sports department of Evangel had taken with us and like last year, it was an amazing time.

The day that they arrived they jumped into their busy schedule. Montse had announced to her English and gym classes that we were going to have a basketball clinic and 40 kids showed up at the court.


After the clinics they moved onto their English “mini city”. This was open to all of the El Faro English classes as well as the middle school. The Evangel team had put together boards representing different store including candy store, dentist, school supplies, drinks, etc. Each student had to go around to the different stores to learn the english words and receive signatures. Later that week they were to return to change their signed sheets in for money to spend at the stores.


The team also had the chance to serve in the villages with two community projects. In the village of Las Pavas they painted the basketball court as well as had the doctor serve in the medical clinic. In the village of Las Pavas they painted a school and had another basketball clinic.


El Faro had contacted the sports department of Puerto Barrios to find teams for the Evangel basketball team to play against. Two nights of the week we traveled to Puerto Barrios to play against the state team of Izabal at the basketball stadium. They drew in a large crowd of 150 at each game and had a great time playing and getting to know the other team. The Izabal team came to El Faro one night to spend the night and get to know the Evangel team.


What a blessing it is to bring two cultures together and bond over something like basketball. God is able to use our gifts and skills in ways sometimes we never thought imaginable.