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Katie Faughnan was a volunteer at El Faro for two weeks this summer. She was a blessing to everyone here at El Faro through her gentle spirit and heart for Guatemala. During her stay she not only helped with a missions team from the states, but she also served as a mentor to ten girls from the local villages in a soccer camp. Here is a blog entry after her first week at El Faro.


When one is in the early stages of life he often possesses a vision, has his actions planned, his opinions and views set regarding how life is going to play out. He is ready to embark with certainty upon his self-devised adventure. But yet, as I have observed in my own life repeatedly, God always seems to have a way of taking one by surprise, completely catching one off guard with plans to use him for matters never before anticipated. Once these plans are realized, one knows that he has been perfectly created, possesses the exact mentality and skill set for this specific mission. Deep passion suddenly rivals any amount of vast difficulty, and one is on his way to playing his role in the fulfillment of the will of God in the world.

Although I am still on the journey of figuring it all out, my life fits this description to a pin. The influences in my life have specifically, purposefully, tailored me into the individual that I have grown into. I am neither an emotional girl, nor even much of a talker for that matter. But, I love listening to people’s stories, thinking about them, learning from them. I believe in the strength of written words. I believe that through their complete disregard for boarders of all kind, they have the capability to share thoughts and influence lives throughout humanity. And for this reason, I find myself writing this post to you from Guatemala. I, with every fiber of my being, believe that it is with the upmost necessity that the story of El Faro is told.

I am a concrete believer in spiritual gifts. I believe that everyone possesses one; every single person on this earth has something to offer. The gifts vary remarkably in essence, but can all be utilized to work to spread the light of the Lord in His world.

This assertion has been demonstrated to me more than ever throughout this past month spent in Guatemala.  I have had the distinct honor to observe several groups come into the country equipped with pre-planned, detailed goals and ways to reach them.  I’ve witnessed people of all ages, places, cultures, ethnicities and genders. I’ve seen storytellers, athletes, intellectuals, medics, builders, jokesters, artists, quiet ones, non-Spanish speakers, designers, and teachers all employing their strengths to work toward one common goal…spreading the word of Jesus Christ, and thus working to provide a better life and opportunity to those who have never been shown.

Anyone can glorify the Lord, anytime, anywhere. I believe that in any profession, this can be done depending on the talents and gifts possessed. Use your platform, your capabilities, your life, to share the good news-even if it is just through a smile.

Everyday at Mision El Faro, I see this. Through Megan, Luis Pedro, Sammy, Karlita, David, Nelita, Maira, Nelson, and everyone else part of this fantastic mission.  I have never been so moved, so inspired by a group of people. They are doing more than a great job, and I know that the mission will everyday reach new heights. I advise people to use El Faro as an example for their own lives. Use what you have been given to glorify God in the world.

This week, 100+ girls from the poorest zones in Guatemala city will be coming to El Faro for a five day Christian soccer camp. For many, this is the first opportunity they have had to be exposed to Christ. I have prayed for energy, wisdom, and strength needed to mentor these girls this week. I have complete faith that the staff of El Faro will effectively use this time to make a lasting change in the lives of these girls!

Much love,

Katie Faughnan