+502 3866-2713 Atención de 7:00 am a 4:00 pm info@misionelfaro.org


With El Faro

Give  your time, talent and resources

and have a life-transformative experience serving others.

When you think of volunteering

What pictures do you have in your mind? Swinging a hammer? Teaching an english class? Serving meals? Volunteering is all of that and more! Each and every one of us have been given talents, gifts, and resources to be able serve our neighbors both locally and globally. When you volunteer you not only give of your time to help others, you learn new things about people different than you, you learn new cultures and worldview, and you learn more about yourself.

While volunteering with us you will have the opportunity for your worldview to be expanded, to share what God has given you, and to serve in several of the different on-going ministries run by our missionaries. Are you ready to give of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually while at the same time learning new things about Guatemalan culture, language, and life? The things you learn while here with us will help you in the future as you look to serve locally and maybe even on a larger scale globally.

Are you ready?

What We Offer

  • Opportunity to serve short term from 1 week to 3 months
  • Work with our current missionaries in their ongoing ministries
  • Opportunity to use your gifts, talents, and passions working on your own project
  • Experience life in a community of faith
  • Experience life in a different culture
  • See how God is working outside of your local context in another part of the world

Are you ready to take the plunge?

Fill out the informational fields and you will be on your way to an experience that you will never forget…
